Translocal Cultural Fields – Music as a Cultural and Economic Enterprise in the Four Biggest Cities in Finland, 1900–1939

The study lead by Vesa Kurkela examines musical activity in the four biggest cities in Finland in the first four decades of the 20th century.


The project explores musical activity in Helsinki, Vyborg, Turku and Tampere between 1900 and 1939 from both cultural and economic point of view. The musical activity will be studied through four core themes: 1) Cultural politics, 2) Music education, 3) Music industry and 4) Musicians, music events and repertoires.

The main aim of the project is to avoid methodological nationalism and to take account the whole field of urban music – all musical genres and activities. The holistic perspective on music can also be seen in the theoretical research design: artistic and economic sides of music will be combined and their interconnections examined in the same analysis.

The research is based on the source-critical investigation of previously known archival material and contemporary literature and on the intensive production of new material. The interpretation is based on Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, methodological cosmopolitanism, new institutionalism and the concept of translocality.

Contact information for the project

Project name

Translocal Cultural Fields - Music as a Cultural and Economic Enterprise in the Four Biggest Cities in Finland, 1900–1939


Academy of Finland


Vesa Kurkela, Principal Investigator
Olli Heikkinen
Markus Mantere
Anne Teikari
Nuppu Koivisto
Derek B. Scott
Janne Mäkelä
Pirjo Ovaskainen