Instruction and degree languages and language proficiency requirements at Uniarts Helsinki

In which language can you study in bachelor's and master’s programmes at the University of the Arts Helsinki and how is language proficiency demonstrated?

In order to study at the University of the Arts, you must know Finnish, Swedish or English. Some degree programs may require knowledge of two languages. When you apply to become a bachelor’s or master’s student, you must demonstrate your language proficiency in the language that has been defined as the language of instruction for your target programme.

See the academy-specific languages of instruction by programme:

Sufficient language skills are part of your eligibility, and they ensure educability and suitability for university-level education. We want to make sure that you have the communication skills needed as a student.

Demonstrating your language skills

If a programme has several languages of instruction, applicants are only required to prove their proficiency in one of the languages. If a degree programme or, e.g., a joint programme requires knowledge of several languages, applicants may be required to demonstrate their skills in several languages.

Applicants must demonstrate their skills with a language certificate or prior studies. Language skills may also be assessed as part of entrance examinations. Please see the list of the accepted language tests in the Admissions Guides of the degree programmes.

Which languages can you use in your studies?

Students must complete an essential part of their degrees, including the thesis, in the language that was defined as the language used for the degree in connection with student admissions. The right to use some other language than the language used for the degree is determined by the dean.

Students have the right to use the language that they used when they were admitted to study for their degree in their study attainments as well as to receive assignments included in their studies in this language. However, students’ studies may also include study units where the language of instruction is something else, if such arrangements are required by the study unit.

Students have the right to use Finnish or Swedish both orally and in writing in connection with teaching and examinations, unless specified otherwise in the curriculum or required by the nature of teaching.

(University of the Arts Helsinki Education Regulations § 35).

Study lan­guages and the lan­guage of the de­gree in the Acad­emy of Fine Arts

Most of the tuition in the bachelor’s and master’s programme in fine arts is given in Finnish and English. Applicants to the bachelor’s and master’s programme and the master’s programme in fine arts can demonstrate their language proficiency in Finnish, Swedish or English during the admissions process. Students are entitled to use both the Finnish or Swedish language orally and in writing, unless otherwise specified in the curriculum or because of the character of the teaching.

The language of instruction and the language of the degree of the bachelor’s programme in contemporary art history and theory is Finnish, and the applicant must demonstrate their language proficiency in Finnish.

The language of instruction and the language of the degree of the Praxis master’s programme in exhibition studies is English, and the applicant must demonstrate their language proficiency in English.

Study lan­guages and the lan­guage of the de­gree in the Sibelius Academy

In most of the Sibelius Academy’s programmes the languages of instruction and languages of the degree are Finnish, Swedish and English. Applicants to these programmes can demonstrate their language proficiency in Finnish, Swedish or English. However, most of the group tuition at the Sibelius Academy is given in Finnish or Swedish.

Programmes taught fully in English are Global Music, Nordic Master in Jazz, Nordic Master in Folk Music, master’s programme in Opera, and Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship. Applicants to these programmes must demonstrate their language proficiency in English.

The study languages of the Music Education programme are Finnish and Swedish. Applicants for the Finnish-and Swedish-language education are selected in their own selection groups. When applying, the applicant must demonstrate their language proficiency in Finnish or Swedish, depending on which language they select as their study languages. If the number of students admitted to the Swedish-language education in Music Education is not large enough, the student must be prepared to participate in group tuition in Finnish as well.

Study lan­guages and the lan­guage of the de­gree in The­atre Acad­emy

The Theatre Academy’s degree languages are Finnish, Swedish or English, depending on the degree programme. Depending on the course, the language of instruction may be something other than the language of the degree.

In programmes where the language of a degree is Finnish or Swedish, students are entitled to use both the Finnish or Swedish language orally and in writing, unless otherwise specified in the curriculum or because of the character of the teaching. However, the majority of group teaching is in Finnish or Swedish.

In programmes where the language of the degree is English, all the teaching takes place in English.

In programmes with Finnish or English as the language of the degree, the language of group tuition may be English for the entire class, if students studying in Finnish and in English are admitted to the programme.

Finnish as the language of degree

  • Degree Programme in Acting (in Finnish)
  • Degree Programme in Dance
  • Degree Programme in Directing
  • Degree Programme in Dramaturgy and Playwriting
  • Degree Programme in Lighting Design
  • Degree Programme in Scenography
  • Degree Programme in Sound Design
  • Degree Programme in Writing
  • Master’s Programme in Choreography *
  • Master’s Programme in Dance Pedagogy *
  • Master’s Programme in Dance Performance *
  • Master’s Programme in Theatre Pedagogy *
  • Master’s Programme in Writing
  • Master’s Studies in Acting (in Finnish)
  • Master’s Studies in Directing *
  • Master’s Studies in Dramaturgy and Playwriting  
  • Master’s Studies in Lighting Design
  • Master’s Studies in Scenography    
  • Master’s Studies in Sound Design

* The programme admits students who study in either Finnish or English. If a programme admits new students to study in English, the group teaching will be offered in English to the entire class.

Swedish as the language of degree

  • Degree Programme in Acting (in Swedish)
  • Master’s Studies in Acting (in Swedish)

English as the language of degree

  • Master’s Degree Programme in Choreography
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research (double-degree)
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Dance Pedagogy
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Dance Performance
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Live Art and Performance Studies
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Theatre Pedagogy
  • Master’s Studies in Directing