Conferment ceremony 2024
Uniarts Helsinki will organise its next conferment ceremony for masters and doctors on 16–18 August 2024.
Registration for taking part in the conferment ceremony has ended. The conferment festivities will include, for example, Celebration of the arts, the actual conferment ceremony, a procession, a church service or a secular jubilee, a dinner and an excursion organised by the Student Union.
Conferment ceremony programme
The conferment ceremony will take place on 16–18 August 2024.
Conferment ceremony price list
Prices for participation in Uniarts Helsinki’s conferment ceremony in 2024.
Dress code for the conferment events
In the conferment ceremony, masters and doctors can be identified based on the colour of their clothes.
Contact information
Jannika Lahin, registration
+358 50 517 8755
Soili Sirenne, programme and other arrangements
+358 50 475 1767
Conferment ceremony traditions
A conferment ceremony is the biggest celebration of the university community and a festive end to university studies, traditionally celebrated over a span of several days. The ceremony is a unique celebration that will give its participants treasured memories long into the future.
History of the conferment tradition
In Finland, the first conferment ceremony for masters took place at the Royal Academy of Turku in 1643, three years after the academy was founded.
Conferment ceremony traditions at Uniarts Helsinki
Uniarts Helsinki’s conferment ceremony traditions are still young. The first joint conferment ceremony of all the academies was organised in 2018.
Uniarts Helsinki’s conferment ceremony 2018 in pictures
See photos and videos from our first joint conferment ceremony 8.–10.6.2018.
Conferment tradition: symbols and glossary
Get to know the glossary of Conferment Ceremony from University of Helsinki website.