Theatre Academy Dance Collective TADaC
A collective of second year master's students in dance performance and a platform for their thesis projects.

The Theatre Academy Dance Collective is a collective of second year master’s students in dance performance and a platform for their thesis projects. The performances can be made by a professional choreographer or by the students themselves. Final frames for each TADaC project is formed in dialogue with the students, while taking into account the students’ artistic interests, learning objectives of the studies and both the economical and infrastructural resources of the university and the programme. The performances tour, if possible, both in Finland and internationally.
TADaC, formerly known as a Theatre Academy Dance Company, has long traditions. It was founded in 2007 to help students transition from school to the professional field. The operational model is in a process of change since 2020. Transitioning from a company to a collective means that the degree programme strives to make space for the diverse artistic interests of students and strengthen their role in the planning and framing of TADaC.
Projects and tours
TADaC productions, which are organised every other year, have toured, for instance, in Jojo – Oulu center for dance, Ganuti Gildi Saal in Tallinn and in Arsenic Centre d’Art Scénique Contemporain in Lausanne.
TADaC 2024
In 2024, Brazilian choreographer and dancer Renan Martins will create the work in collaboration with TADaC. Martins’ work is based on the celebration of togetherness and the resonance of musicality, aiming to create a work that emerges from a genuine collaboration. The choreographer aims to create “an environment where dancers can passionately explore their own personal interests and embark on a journey of self-discovery in a cohesive group.”
Working group
Dancers: Inka Auvinen, Altinay Kapsiz, Saila Pönkä, Joma Richter, Sointu Saraste, Marjukka Savolainen, Anette Toiviainen, Mathilda Muk.
Choreographer: Renan Martins (visitor)
For the performance schedule and other information, please see the event calendar.

TADaCollective (2023)
Five of the students decided to work collaboratively. They formed a working group with a student from Master’s Degree in Lighting Design, who was then also completing their final artistic thesis within this project frame. The final form the artistic thesis was an evening of performance in three parts. Each part can exist as a stand alone work but together they produce a triptych – which touches, tastes, feels, hears, and sees the world in a particular way.
- Performers: Sonja Karoliina Aaltonen, Jacqueline Aylward, Iris Blauberg, Arttu Halmetoja, Maja Kalafatić (MA in Dance Performance)
- Lighting Design: Lauri Hietala (MA in Lighting Design)
- Costume designer: Kasia Gorniak (guest)
- Sound designer: Lauri Kallio (guest)
- Järvenpää Culture House 9.5.2023
- Regional Dance Center for Eastern Finland 20.5.2023
- Tanssivirtaa Tampereella festival 30.5.2023
- Ganuti Gildi Saal 6.6.2023

Core (2021)
- Performers: Iiris Laakso, Elisa Lejeune, Verna Nordlund, Veera Snellman, Suvi Kelloniemi, Maria Mäkelä, Terhi Hartikainen
- Choreography: Emmi Venna (Guest)
- Light and space design: Erno Aaltonen (Guest)
- Costume design: Hanne Jurmu (Guest)
- Sound design: Ville Kabrell (Guest)
- In conversation with: Mira Kautto (Guest)
- Images and trailer: Aino Autere (Guest)
- Dance floor: Marja Zilcher ja Erno Aaltonen (Guest)
The original premiere at Zodiak Stage, Helsinki, on 19.1.2021 and the spring tour had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Their Limbs, Their Lungs, Their Legs (2019)
- Performers: Matilda Aaltonen, Taru Aho, Anni Kaila, Ella-Noora Koikkalainen, Riikka Laurilehto, Janna Loukas, Aino Purhonen, Ilona Salonen and Jussi Suomalainen
- Choreography: Lea Moro
- Costume design: Corinna Helenelund
- Sound design: Joonas Pernilä
- Lighting design: Jani-Matti Salo
- Viljandi, Estonia: Culture Academy 23.4.2019
- Tallinn, Estonia: Kanuti Gildi Saal 25.4.2019
- Lausanne, Switzerland: Théâtre Arsenic 8.-10.6.2019

Kosto I-IX (2017)
- Performers: Krista-Julia Arppo, Jenna Broas, Karoliina Kauhanen, Anni Koskinen, Anna Kupari, Outi Markkula, Pinja Poropudas, Lotta Suomi an Katriina Tavi
- Choreography: Elina Pirinen
- Dramaturgy: Heidi Väätäinen
- Text: performers (guidance by Elina Pirinen and Niko Hallikainen)
- Visual concept: Pirinen & Väätäinen
- Overall visual concept designed by Elina Pirinen and dramaturg Heidi Väätäinen, and consulted and implemented by lighting designer Nadja Räikkä. Technical implementation of recital by sound designer Lauri Malin.
- Oulu, Finland: Valve-sali 7.–8.4.2017
- Tallinn, Estonia: Kanuti Gildi Saal 24.4.2017
- Viljandi, Estonia: Kulttuuriakatemia 26.4.2017

Human Resources (2015)
- Performers: Maria Autio, Mia Jaatinen, Meeri Lempiäinen, Mikko Makkonen, Viivi Niiniketo, Satu Rinnetmäki, Sini Siipola and Elisa Tuovila
- Concept and direction: Jeremy Wade
- Dramaturgy and scenography: Jaakko Pietiläinen
- Lighting design: Mika Haaranen
- Music: Tian Rotteveel
- Kuopio, Finland: Itä-Suomen tanssin aluekeskus / Sotku 17.4.2015
- Tallinn, Estonia: Vaba Lava 12.5.2015
- Viljandi, Estonia: Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia (University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy) 14.5.2015
- Oulu, Finland: Jojo – Oulun Tanssin Keskus / Valvesali 26.-27.5.
- Tanssivirtaa Tampereella -festival, Finland 19.-24.5.2015
Contact information for the project
Project name
Theatre Academy Dance Collective TADaC
Aliisa Kattelus
Producer, Production services Theatre Academy, Theatre
The Theatre Academy Dance Collective is a collective of second year master’s students in dance performance and a platform for their thesis projects. The performances can be made by a professional choreographer or by the students themselves. Final frames for each TADaC project is formed in dialogue with the students, while taking into account the students’ artistic interests, learning objectives of the studies and both the economical and infrastructural resources of the university and the programme. The performances tour, if possible, both in Finland and internationally.
TADaC, formerly known as a Theatre Academy Dance Company, has long traditions. It was founded in 2007 to help students transition from school to the professional field. The operational model is in a process of change since 2020. Transitioning from a company to a collective means that the degree programme strives to make space for the diverse artistic interests of students and strengthen their role in the planning and framing of TADaC.
Projects and tours
TADaC productions, which are organised every other year, have toured, for instance, in Jojo – Oulu center for dance, Ganuti Gildi Saal in Tallinn and in Arsenic Centre d’Art Scénique Contemporain in Lausanne.
TADaC 2024
In 2024, Brazilian choreographer and dancer Renan Martins will create the work in collaboration with TADaC. Martins’ work is based on the celebration of togetherness and the resonance of musicality, aiming to create a work that emerges from a genuine collaboration. The choreographer aims to create “an environment where dancers can passionately explore their own personal interests and embark on a journey of self-discovery in a cohesive group.”
Working group
Dancers: Inka Auvinen, Altinay Kapsiz, Saila Pönkä, Joma Richter, Sointu Saraste, Marjukka Savolainen, Anette Toiviainen, Mathilda Muk.
Choreographer: Renan Martins (visitor)
For the performance schedule and other information, please see the event calendar.

TADaCollective (2023)
Five of the students decided to work collaboratively. They formed a working group with a student from Master’s Degree in Lighting Design, who was then also completing their final artistic thesis within this project frame. The final form the artistic thesis was an evening of performance in three parts. Each part can exist as a stand alone work but together they produce a triptych – which touches, tastes, feels, hears, and sees the world in a particular way.
- Performers: Sonja Karoliina Aaltonen, Jacqueline Aylward, Iris Blauberg, Arttu Halmetoja, Maja Kalafatić (MA in Dance Performance)
- Lighting Design: Lauri Hietala (MA in Lighting Design)
- Costume designer: Kasia Gorniak (guest)
- Sound designer: Lauri Kallio (guest)
- Järvenpää Culture House 9.5.2023
- Regional Dance Center for Eastern Finland 20.5.2023
- Tanssivirtaa Tampereella festival 30.5.2023
- Ganuti Gildi Saal 6.6.2023

Core (2021)
- Performers: Iiris Laakso, Elisa Lejeune, Verna Nordlund, Veera Snellman, Suvi Kelloniemi, Maria Mäkelä, Terhi Hartikainen
- Choreography: Emmi Venna (Guest)
- Light and space design: Erno Aaltonen (Guest)
- Costume design: Hanne Jurmu (Guest)
- Sound design: Ville Kabrell (Guest)
- In conversation with: Mira Kautto (Guest)
- Images and trailer: Aino Autere (Guest)
- Dance floor: Marja Zilcher ja Erno Aaltonen (Guest)
The original premiere at Zodiak Stage, Helsinki, on 19.1.2021 and the spring tour had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Their Limbs, Their Lungs, Their Legs (2019)
- Performers: Matilda Aaltonen, Taru Aho, Anni Kaila, Ella-Noora Koikkalainen, Riikka Laurilehto, Janna Loukas, Aino Purhonen, Ilona Salonen and Jussi Suomalainen
- Choreography: Lea Moro
- Costume design: Corinna Helenelund
- Sound design: Joonas Pernilä
- Lighting design: Jani-Matti Salo
- Viljandi, Estonia: Culture Academy 23.4.2019
- Tallinn, Estonia: Kanuti Gildi Saal 25.4.2019
- Lausanne, Switzerland: Théâtre Arsenic 8.-10.6.2019

Kosto I-IX (2017)
- Performers: Krista-Julia Arppo, Jenna Broas, Karoliina Kauhanen, Anni Koskinen, Anna Kupari, Outi Markkula, Pinja Poropudas, Lotta Suomi an Katriina Tavi
- Choreography: Elina Pirinen
- Dramaturgy: Heidi Väätäinen
- Text: performers (guidance by Elina Pirinen and Niko Hallikainen)
- Visual concept: Pirinen & Väätäinen
- Overall visual concept designed by Elina Pirinen and dramaturg Heidi Väätäinen, and consulted and implemented by lighting designer Nadja Räikkä. Technical implementation of recital by sound designer Lauri Malin.
- Oulu, Finland: Valve-sali 7.–8.4.2017
- Tallinn, Estonia: Kanuti Gildi Saal 24.4.2017
- Viljandi, Estonia: Kulttuuriakatemia 26.4.2017

Human Resources (2015)
- Performers: Maria Autio, Mia Jaatinen, Meeri Lempiäinen, Mikko Makkonen, Viivi Niiniketo, Satu Rinnetmäki, Sini Siipola and Elisa Tuovila
- Concept and direction: Jeremy Wade
- Dramaturgy and scenography: Jaakko Pietiläinen
- Lighting design: Mika Haaranen
- Music: Tian Rotteveel
- Kuopio, Finland: Itä-Suomen tanssin aluekeskus / Sotku 17.4.2015
- Tallinn, Estonia: Vaba Lava 12.5.2015
- Viljandi, Estonia: Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia (University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy) 14.5.2015
- Oulu, Finland: Jojo – Oulun Tanssin Keskus / Valvesali 26.-27.5.
- Tanssivirtaa Tampereella -festival, Finland 19.-24.5.2015