Sami Alanne

Job description

DMus, MPhil Sami Alanne is an Adjunct Professor of music therapy and a researcher at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy, Research Institute, and the Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts (CERADA).


Adjunct Professor Sami Alanne`s research topics include traumas, refugeeism, mental health and psychotherapy in the point of views of music, arts, culture, philosophy, and society among others. In addition, he works as a training psychotherapist (music psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy), psychoanalyst, and music psychotherapist of children, adolescents, and adults in the Helsinki metropolitan area.


Sami Alanne has published a new book “The Theory and Practice of Psychodynamic Music Psychotherapy” (Barcelona Publishers), which is a comprehensive study of music psychotherapy. The book is about the history, research, and methods of music psychotherapy with different client groups, children, adolescents, and adults, in their treatment and rehabilitation with various disorders. Read a news article of Uniarts Helsinki, which includes an interview of Alanne, and the description of publisher and the contents of book from the following links:

Music therapy supports the development of interaction | Uniarts Helsinki

The_Theory_and_Practice_of_Psychodynamic_Music_Psychotherapy (

Research and publications

  • Alanne, S. (2023). The Theory and Practice Psychodynamic Music Psychotherapy. Dallas, TX: Barcelona Publishers.
  • Alanne, S. (2021). Väärän tiedon puu. Mallintava tieto ja kulttuurin elämästä vieraantuneisuus. [The Three of Ignorance. Modelling Knowledge and the Estrangement of Culture from Life.] Helsinki: BoD.
  • Castaneda, A.E., Mäki-Opas, J., Jokela, S., Kivi, N., Lähteenmäki, M., Miettinen, T., Nieminen, S., Santalahti, P. & PALOMA expert group. (2018). Pakolaisten mielenterveyden tukeminen Suomessa. PALOMA-käsikirja. [Supporting refugees’ mental health in Finland. PALOMA handbook.] Guidance, 5/2018. Publications of the National Institute for Health and Welfare. 343-100-3 (Sami Alanne is one of the coauthors in the PALOMA expert group)
  • Alanne, S. (2014). Musiikkipsykoterapia. Teoria ja käytäntö. [Music Psychotherapy. Theory and Practise.] Acta Universitatis Ouluensis D Medica 1248.
  • Alanne, S. (2010). Music Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture. Interpretations of Three Clinical Case Studies. Studia Musica 44. Sibelius Academy.


Selected Articles and Writings

  • Alanne, S. (2023). Psychodynamic Music Psychotherapy in Adolescence: Theory and Practice. Music Therapy Today, Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 336–337. Special Issue Proceedings 17th World Congress of Music Therapy.
  • Alanne, S, (2022). Musiikilliset hetket ja niiden merkitys varhaisessa vuorovaikutuksessa ja psykoterapiassa. [Musical Moments and their Meaning for the Early Interaction and Psychotherapy.] Musiikkiterapia, Vol. 37, no 2, pp. 121–138.
  • Alanne, S. (2022). Mallintavia vai todellisia kokemuksia elämästä psykoterapiassa? [Modelling or Real Experiences from Life in Psychotherapy?.] Psykoanalyyttinen Psykoterapia, Vol.18, pp. 31–33.
  • Alanne, S. (2020).  Musiikin ja kielen suhteesta  – sekä psykoterapeuttisesta arvosta. [About the Relationship of Music and Language – and Their Psychotherapeutic Value. Psykoanalyyttinen Psykoterapia, Vol. 16, pp. 6–15.
  • Alanne, S. (2019). Musiikkipsykoterapia traumatisoituneiden pakolaisten ja maahanmuuttajien kuntoutuksessa. [Music Psychotherapy in the Rehabilitation of Refugees and Immigrants.] Psykoterapia, Vol. 38, no 4, pp. 306–318.
  • Alanne, S. (2019). Musiikki, vuorovaikutus ja sisäinen kokemus psykoterapiassa. [Music, Interaction and Inner Experience in Psychotherapy.] Psykoterapia, Vol. 38, no 1, pp. 39–49.
  • Alanne, S. (2017). Child Music Psychotherapy as a Continuum of Development: Theory and Practice. Music Therapy Today, Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 87–88. Special Issue. Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of Music Therapy. Tsukuba/Japan. July 4–8, 2017. 
  • Alanne, S. (2017). Musiikillisen kokemuksen rajapinnat minuuden heijastajina. Milan Kunderan Naurun ja unohduksen kirjan avaamia näkökulmia. [The Edges of Musical Experience as the Reflections of Self. The Point of Views Unfolded From The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera.] Psykoterapia, Vol. 36, no 2, pp. 116–126.
  • Alanne, S. (2016).  Music Across the Borders of Psychotherapy. In Arts Without Borders? Hollo Symposium 2016 October 19–22 2016 (pp. 70–72). University of the Arts Helsinki.
  • Alanne, S. (2016). Music as Psychotherapy and the Structure of Personal Identity. In Degli Stefani, M. & Facchin, F. (Ed.), PerSona. Voce e Identità. Opportunità Musicali per la Salute e il Benessere (pp. 131–137). Padova: CLEUP – Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova.
  • Alanne, S. (2016). Musiikki ja äänet tienä varhaislapsuuden kokemusmaailmaan – kokemuksia mutismin psykoterapiasta. [Music and Sounds as the Road to the Experience World of Early Childhood – Experiences from the Psychotherapy of Mutism.] Psykoterapia, Vol. 35, no 3, pp. 186–195.
  • Alanne, S. (2016). Musiikkipsykoterapian kliininen tutkimus masennuksen hoidossa. [Clinical Research of Music Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Depression.] Psykoterapia, Vol. 35, no 1, pp. 59–62.
  • Alanne, S. (2015). Musiikki ja psykoterapia. [Music and Psychotherapy.] IssueX University of the Arts Helsinki Magazine, Vol. 3, no 2, April 2015, p. 31.
  • Alanne, S. (2014). Musiikkipsykoterapialle itsenäinen asema psykoterapeuttikoulutuksena.[An Independent Status for Music Psychotherapy as a Psychotherapist Training.] The Finnish Journal of Music Education, Vol. 17, no 1, pp. 115–118.
  • Alanne, S. & Wahlberg, K-E. (2014). Psykoterapeutin ammattinimikkeeseen johtava musiikkiterapiakoulutus. [Music Therapy Training Leading to the Psychotherapist Tittle.] Psykologia, Vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 382–385.
  • Alanne, S. (2014). The Ethnocultural and Psychodynamic Meaning of Music for Traumatized Refugees. Music Therapy Today, Vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 48–49. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy Vienna/Krems, Austria July 7–12, 2014.
  • Alanne, S. (2013). Psykodynaaminen musiikkipsykoterapia kidutuksesta traumatisoituneiden pakolaisten kanssa: kliininen näkökulma. [Psychodynamic Music Psychotherapy with Traumatized Refugees: A Clinical Point of View.] Psykoterapia, Vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 264–276.
  • Alanne, S. (2011). The Nature of Knowing and Outcomes in Music Psychotherapy with Torture Victims. Soundeffects, Vol. 6, pp. 3–10. Wilfrid Laurier University, Manfred and Penny Conrad Institute for Music Therapy Research (CIMTR).
  • Alanne, S. (2011). “Tieto on tehty kyynelistä” – Tietämisen luonne tulkinnallisena prosessina musiikkipsykoterapian tutkimuksessa kidutettujen kuntoutuksessa. [“The Knowledge Is Made from Tears” – The Nature of Knowing as an Interpretative Process in the Research of Music Psychotherapy with Torture Survivors and their Rehabilitation.] The Finnish Journal of Music Education, Vol. 14, no 1, pp. 110–114.
  • Alanne, S. (2006). Musiikin ja musiikkiterapian mahdollisuudet voimavarasuuntautuneessa terapiassa. [The Possibilities of Music and Music Therapy in Empowerment Orientated Therapy.] In Lipponen, K. & Vataja, S. (Ed.), Lasten ja nuorten voimala. Monimuotoista perhekuntoutusta kehittämässä (pp. 125–140). [The Powerstation of Children and Adolescents. Developing the Holistic Family Rehabilitation.] Helsinki: Coop Hope.
  • Alanne, S. (2005). Kulttuurin ja elämän itsekoettelu. [Self–Experiencing of Culture and Life.] Alusta, Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 34–39. Sibelius Academy.
  • Alanne, S. (2005). Music Psychotherapy for Torture Survivors. Music Therapy Today, Vol. 6, no. 4, pp. (682–697). Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th EMTC 2004 Conference, University of Jyväskylä. Aldridge, D. & Fachner, J. (Ed.), Witten: University Witten/Herdecke.
  • Alanne, S. (2002). Symbolism of Music in a Psychoanalytic Point of View – Defining Symbolism: Music as a Symbolic Form. In Aldridge, D. & Fachner, J. (Ed.), Info CD ROM IV. Music Therapy in Europe – Proceedings of the Vth European Music Therapy Congress in Castel Dell`Ovo, Napoli, Italy 20.-24.4.2001 (pp. 96–136). Witten: University Witten Herdecke.
  • Alanne, S. (2002). Merkitys ja olemassaolo musiikkiterapiassa.[Meaning and Being in Music Therapy.] Musiikkiterapia, Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 47–72.
  • Alanne, S. & Uimonen, P. (2000). Musiikki, sairaus ja hoito psykoanalyysin ja filosofian näkökulmista. Martti Siiralan ajatuksia sokratelaisen dialogin hengessä.  [Music, Illness and Treatment: Psychoanalytic and Philosophic Point of Views. Thoughts of Martti Siirala in the Spirit of Sokratean Dialogue.] Musiikkiterapia, Vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 9–26. (Includes the original interview of Siirala)



–  A study of the distorted cultural models influencing our thoughts and lives

Why are the culture and arts often not appreciated and they encounter resistance? Why are artists often wanted to silence as an outcome of totalitarianism? Why did Sigmund Freud not understand music and non-representational arts and could not enjoy them? Why did Martin Heidegger not see the consequences of the rising national socialism? What were the grounds of the physical punishing of children in education? Do technological-economical values define what kind of research is done, and how the knowledge is used? Or what kind of treatment, like psychotherapy, is given?

In these questions among others, Adjunct Professor Sami Alanne at the University of the Arts Helsinki is answering in his just published new book and research Väärän tiedon puu. Mallintava tieto ja kulttuurin elämästä vieraantuneisuus (2021) [The Three of Ignorance. Modelling Knowledge and the Estrangement of Culture from Life.] The work studies our knowledge where it stands from the self-experiential point of view. Is it grounded in the things and values that are learnt within the self-experience of being a human, growing, and emotions or in something that has learnt from the outside as given and readily modelled knowledge, aspirations, ideals, beliefs, or propaganda? For example, natural scientific and mathematical thinking have directed the life and knowledge of the people approximately from the 18th century and the time of Enlightenment the goodness, freedom, and knowledge as their goals. Their consequences are still influencing our lives and manners how we treat the world in the objectifying way consciously or unconsciously. Paradoxically, intentions to goodness and visible knowledge have also led to the evil, denial of values and the destructiveness of people in their behavior without the personal evaluation of ethics in the knowing.

Sami Alanne. Väärän tiedon puu. Mallintava tieto ja kulttuurin elämästä vieraantuneisuus. [The Three of Ignorance. Modelling Knowledge and the Estrangement of Culture from Life.]  Helsinki: BoD. 172 pp. Finnish Edition.
ISBN: 978-952-80-5775-8 (printed book)
ISBN: 978-952-80-7899-9 (E-book)
Väärän tiedon puu (


  • music therapy
  • music psychotherapy
  • psychoanalysis
  • traumas
  • phenomenology
  • music psychology
  • psychotherapy
