Kaarina Kilpiö

Job description

The main emphasis of my work is on sparring and guiding the writing endeavours of those students in the MuTri doctoral school who are preparing an artistic doctoral degree. Also important areas are developing post-graduate studies and academic practices of Sibelius Academy and the doctoral training.

I am part of the team organizing the research center Uniarts History Forum. I am also part of the team responsible of organizing the biannual international symposia on music history in Sibelius Academy. During my research leave from the Uniarts Helsinki, others are in charge of the organising duties of the symposia.

My own research has mainly dealt with the history of functional music and different uses of music in the 20th century. I am also interested in the study (mainly historical) of technology and consumption.


Selected publications in English:

Noisy Modernization? On the History and Historicization of Sound. Special issue on Sound and Modernity, The International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 7, 2019.

Building a sonic image of a nation: Finnish documentary and propaganda films in the early decades of sound film. In Cox, Geoffrey and Corner, John (eds.) Soundings: documentary film and the listening experience. University of Huddersfield Press, University of Huddersfield. 2018.

Jazzy tunes and dreamy images in the cold war era: launching Finnish jazziskelmä on-screen. Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning Vol. 100, 2018.

Jean Sibelius’s Music in Finnish Propaganda Films during WWII. Teoksessa D. Grimley & T. Howell & V. Murtomäki & T. Virtanen (toim.) Jean Sibelius’s Legacy. Research on his 150th Anniversary. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 171–80.

On the Remembered Relationship between Listeners and C-cassette Technology. Brusila, Johannes & Johnson, Bruce & Richardson, John (toim.): Memory, Space, Sound. Intellect books, 2016.

From Background to Foreground: Music Products for Production and Consumption Spaces. Heinonen, Visa & Peltonen Matti (toim.): Finnish Consumption. An Emerging Consumer Society between East and West. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2013.

“We listened to our mix-tapes of love songs, talking about boys”: Young Finns as a target group for cassette technology. Situating popular music: IASPM 16th International Conference Proceedings, 2012.

The Use of Music in early Finnish Cinema and TV advertising. Lotte Yssing Hansen & Flemming Hansen (toim.) Advertising Research in the Nordic Countries. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur, 2001, 68–76.

Current news and events

I will be on research leave July 1, 2019 – Dec 31, 2022. During this time, I will work in two projects.

The first project is titled The impact of digitalisation on minority music: Finland-Swedish music culture as case study, DIMM (Åbo Akademi, 2019–20). After this, I will join another research team, ACMESOCS, whose overarching title is Auditory Cultures, Mediated Sounds and Constructed Spaces (University of Eastern Finland, 2021–22).