Study Plan instructions: Jazz Music
This is how you make a Study Plan for your exchange application.
How do I get started?
Start planning your Study Plan by looking into your main subject/instrument curriculum here: Under Sibelius Academy, you can also find the section “Courses for exchange students”, from which you can find suitable elective courses from other main subjects’ curricula and studies open for all students regardless of department (e.g. language studies, performance studies, physical education).
Make sure you include the courses and credits required as compulsory by your home institution. In case you are accepted as an exchange student, you will need to start a Learning Agreement according to your home institution’s guidelines.
Main instrument studies
Bachelor: one-to-one instrument classes 14 hours/semester, 6 ECTS
Master: one-to-one instrument classes 14/semester 15 ECTS (includes more student´s own work than Bachelor)
Second instrument: available upon application 8 hours/semester 1,5 ECTS
S-JZ1_24 Jazz ensemble 4 ECTS/semester
S-JZ2_24 Repertoire workshop 4 ECTS /semester
Structural awareness and writing music
S-JZ5_24 Jazz Rhythm 1 – rhythmic analysis 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ24_24 Jazz Rhythm 2 – Rhythm section workshop 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ4_24 Ear training level 1 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ14_24 Ear training level 2 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ21_24 Interval Jazz Ear training 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ22_24 Modal jazz ear training, 3 ECTS/semester (only spring)
S-JZ9_24 Jazz harmony level 1 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ19_24 Jazz harmony level 2 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ12_24 Arrangement level 1 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ13_24 Arrangement level 2 3 ECTS/semester
S-JZ28_24 Jazz composition /group or one-to-one lessons/1-7 ECTS upon agreement
S-JZ6A_24 and S-JZ6B_24 Jazz history 2,5 ECTS/semester
Working life skills
S-JZ8_24 Master class 2 ECTS/semester / visiting teachers
Courses outside the Jazz department
Performing skills, ergonomy & wellbeing / check the elective courses under this topic below
Language skills: Finnish for exchange students, 2 ECTS or other language studies
Bachelor level exchange students
Jazz Department recommends the following for Bachelor level exchange students:
- Main instrument, Second instrument, Jazz ensemble, Jazz rhythm, Ear training, Master class (total 39 ECTS / academic year)
- One or more of these: Jazz harmony, Arrangement, Composition, Repertoire Workshop
- For Ear training, Harmony and Arrangement courses: the student can visit the courses during the first week in order to be able to find the right level
- Possible electives
Popular elective courses
These courses have been popular electives among our exchange students in the past. Click the name of the course to see its page in the Study Guide (opens in a new tab).
Language courses
- X-K1E Finnish for exchange students (2 cr)
- X-Y11 Finnish language 1 (4 cr)
- X-K20 Preparatory course in English (3 cr) (normally only during fall semester)
- X-K22 Language duo studies (1–2 cr)
- X-Y06 English for Arts Studies and Practice 1 (2 cr)
- X-Y07 English for Arts Studies and Practice 2 (3 cr)
Well-being and performance and learning coaching
- S-IY21_24 Alexander Technique (1 cr)
- S-IY23_24 Body mapping (2 cr)
- S-IY19_24 Feldenkrais (1 cr)
- S-IY17_24 Physical education (2 cr)
- S-IY22_24 Pilates (1 cr)
- S-IY20_24 Yoga for musicians (1 cr)
- S-FM67_24 Chi Kung (2 cr)
- S-IY11 Performance and learning coaching 1 (3 cr)
- S-IY12 Performance and learning coaching 2 (2 cr)
- S-IY25 Performance and learning coaching 3 (2–5 cr)
Creative skills and improvisation
- S-IY28_24 Creative improvisation for classical music students (4 cr)
- S-IY11_24 Creative skills 1 (3 cr)
- S-IY12_24 Creative skills 2 (4 cr)
- S-IY13_24 Creative skills 3 (3 cr)
- S-JZ3_24 Basics of jazz improvisation and theory, 6 cr
Early music
- S-Y15_24 Introduction to continuo playing, 5 cr
- S-VM4_24 Introduction to early music performance, 2 cr
- S-Y19_24_K25 Baroque sonata workshop
- S-IY6_24_S24-3006 Secondary instrument 1, autumn 2024, 2.5-5 cr, Early music
- S-IY6_24_K25-3006 Secondary instrument 1, spring 2025, 2.5-5 cr, Early music
- S-IY35_24-3001 Introduction to period instrument, 2 cr
- S-Y16A_24-3001 Introduction to the traverso, 2 cr
- S-Y16B_24-3001 Introduction to the Baroque oboe, 2 cr
- S-VM17_24 History of early music 2: From early Baroque to the galant style, 2 cr
- See also: Early music programme
Folk music
- S-FM70_24 Introduction to Finnish folk music
- Introduction to Finnish folk music: Finnish Folk Singing, 3 cr
- Introduction to Finnish folk music: Introduction to history of folk music, 3 cr
- S-FM68_24 Dance, music and song from Tanzania as expression, 3 cr
Global music
- S-GM8_24 Global ensemble (various possibilities), 4 cr / semester
- S-GM9_24 Global orchestra, 4 cr / semester
- S-GM10_24 Global choir, 3 cr / semester
- S-GM17_24 Introduction to Community Engagement, 2 cr (held during autumn semester)
- S-GM15A_24 Global Rhythmics: Foundation: 2cr / semester
- S-GM21_24 Sonic Diversity of the World, 2 cr (held during autumn semester)
- S-GM22_24 Current societal Issues, 2 cr (held during autumn semester)
- S-GM42_24 Global Dance, 2 cr / semester
- S-GM43_24 The Whole Singer, 2 cr / semester
Music education
- S-MK5_24 Piano performance 1 (Free Accompaniment) (4 cr)
- S-MK9_24 Music and movement (3 cr)
- S-OP1_24 Introduction to pedagogy (1 cr)
- S-OP4_24 Introduction to music teaching as a profession (2 cr)
- S-OP5_24 Conceptions of human development and learning in arts education (4 cr)
- X-STOPB2403 Special education in arts subjects (4 cr)
- X-STOPA2401 Social, historical and philosophical basics of education (4 cr)
Music history
- S-Y3A_24 Basics of the history of Western art music I, (2 cr)
- S-Y3B_24 Basics of the history of Western art music II, 2 cr
- S-Y9 History of music theme unit: Finnish Music (2 cr)
- S-FM43 Basics of the history of folk music (3 cr)
Music technology
- S-MTF25_24 Film music: lecture series on cinematic narration and film music history
- S-MTF26_24 Game music: lecture series on game narratives and game music history
- S-MTV71A_24 Cluster on Sounds, Body, Space, Movement 1
- S-MTV71B_24 Cluster on Sounds, Body, Space, Movement 2
- S-MTC15_24 Media and Sonic Arts Contexts, 3 cr
- S-MTC16_24 Introduction to Sound Philosophies, 3 cr
- S-MT4_24 Introduction to Computer Music Programming, 4 cr
- S-MTV52_24 Preparatory course in electroacoustic music, 4 cr
- S-MTC14_24 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Performance, 4 cr
- S-MTV54_24 Live sound for musicians, 3 cr
- S-MTV91_24 Introduction to recording of classical music, 2 cr
- S-MT87_24_S25 Synthesizers (autumn 2025), 2.5 cr
- S-MT87_24_K26 Synthesizers (spring 2026), 2.5 cr
- S-MT86_24_S25 Performance with electroacoustic instruments (autumn 2025), 2.5 cr
- S-MT86_24_K26 Performance with electroacoustic instruments (spring 2026), 2.5 cr
- SAMA Sound Art & Sonic Arts, 15-30 cr
Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship
Master level students only (not available during 2025-2026)
- S-AMT1_24 Arts, value and society
- S-AMT2_24 Cultural policy frameworks and trends
- S-AMT3_24 Cultural and creative industries framework
- S-AMT4_24 International entrepreneurship in arts and culture
- S-AMT22_24 Arts, Ecology and Social Justice
- S-AMT5_24 Strategic management in Arts
- S-AMT6_24 Sustainable Cultural Leadership
- S-AMT23_24 Audience engagement: Communities and participation
- S-AMT7_24 Brand management and marketing in arts and culture
- S-AMT9_24 Intercultural communication skills and international collaboration
- S-AMT14_24 Financial management and budgeting
- S-AMT16_24 Cultural project management