Key figures

Read more about the key figures, rankings and other statistics regarding the activities and funding of the Uniarts Helsinki.

Yksityiskohta taidegrafiikkaan liittyvästä koneesta
Veikko Kähkönen / Uniarts Helsinki


Number of students: 1,923 students (2023)

Number of completed degrees: 189 bachelor’s degrees, 320 master’s degrees, 11 doctoral degrees (2023)

Number of applicants: 5,337 applicants, 337 admitted as students. 6.3% of applicants were accepted as students (2023)

University rankings: The top subject-specific rankings for the University of the Arts Helsinki include Sibelius Academy’s 12th place in the field of music and 13th place in performing arts. Additionally, the university ranked among the top 200 in the field of art and design.

International students: 18 % of the bachelor’s and master’s degree students and 21 % of the doctoral students come from outside of Finland (2022)


Amount of external research funding: 1.2 million euros (2022)

Number of researchers: 20 researchers (Academy of Finland research fellow, researcher, postdoctoral research fellow, university researcher), 219 doctoral candidates. In addition, part of our 63 professors carry out research. (2022)

Number of publications: 264, of which 112 are peer-reviewed scientific articles, 8 monographs, 37 non-refereed scientific articles, 76 publications intended for professional communities and 31 publications intended for the general public. (figures are from 2022)


Number of employees: 764 full-time equivalent employees (2023)

International staff: 12% of the teaching and research staff come from outside of Finland (2022)


Income (2022): 76,291,526 euros
Expenses (2022): 79,746,743 euros

Read about our investing activities.

Artistic activities

Number of performances, concerts and exhibitions that were open to the public: 1,232 consisting of 1,149 live events (93 %), 70 streamed online events (6%), and 13 event recordings (1%). (2022)

Annual reports

The annual board report and financial statement of Uniarts Helsinki for 2022 in pdf format.