Sustainable Visual Arts Day

The Sustainable Visual Arts Day on 26 April 2024 brings together visual arts professionals and organisations to learn about ecologically sustainable practices and envision a greener future together. The Sustainable Visual Arts Day includes discussions and presentations on good practices and means to promote the sustainability transition of the visual arts sector and society as a whole. In the afternoon workshops, participants will envision ways to create a more sustainable future. The event will also introduce the Sustainable Visual Arts Network and launch the (Green Art) website.

The event will take place on Friday 26 April 2024 online and at the University of the Arts’ Sörnäinen campus, in Auditorium 1 (Haapaniemenkatu 6) from 10 am to 4 pm. The event is fully booked for on-site participation, but you can participate remotely. You can also participate in the afternoon workshop online.

The language of the event is Finnish if not mentioned otherwise. English interpretation will be available in Zoom.

Registration is now open and closes on Friday 12 April at 4 pm. Register to the event through this form:

Learn more about the programme on Frame’s website via this link.

The event is part of The Green Art project led by Frame which has received support from the Ministry of Education and Culture for the renewal of culture and creative industries. The funding is part of the Next Generation EU programme. The project involves operators in contemporary art and art education in Finland: Frame Contemporary Art Finland, The Mustarinda Association, Kunsthalle Helsinki, the Artists’ Association of Finland, the Academy of Fine Arts of the Uniarts Helsinki and the Arts Academy of Turku University of Applied Sciences. Other expert partners include the EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme, IHME Helsinki, the Finnish National Gallery, Finnish Museums Association, Pro Artibus Foundation and the Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation.

The event follows Frame’s guidelines for safer space. We appreciate all the participants for taking the guidelines into account, learn more about them through this link.


26.4.2024 at 10:00 – 16:00