Visual artist Jade Kallio selected for ISCP residency in New York in spring 2026
Visual artist Jade Kallio has been selected as the grantee for the ISCP alumni residency, offered by the Uniarts Helsinki and the Saastamoinen Foundation partnership program. The scholarship, valued at a total of 48,000 euros, enables a six-month working period in New York in the spring of 2026.

The call for the ISCP residency fellowship was open from October 1 to October 31, 2024. An international jury panel conducted a pre-selection among the applicants, from which the residency organisation made the final choice.
For their multi-disciplinary work that incorporates performance, film, installation, and painting. Kallio often, in addition to their own artistic work, collaborates with other artists. Kallio’s overall theme is articulating a queer view of public space and how it is used by different groups and classes of people in contemporary democratic society. Their project plan stresses scriptwriting and research about the Trans New Wave Cinema within the New York contemporary scene.
Preselection jury panel, ISCP alumni residency 2026:
Petteri Nisunen, vice dean, Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki
Power Ekroth, art curator, art critic, Stockholm/Berlin
Anders Kreuger, art curator, art critic, Helsinki

Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts, in partnership with Saastamoinen Foundation, provides international opportunities and professional support for academy graduates in the form of residency grants. Residency programmes, aimed at Academy of Fine Arts alumni, support post-graduate research and development of visual artists at international high-quality residencies.
Our other residency program partners are Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, LIFT Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam, as well as Cove Park and Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Scotland. The call for the LIFT residency opens in February, and the call for the Jan van Eyck Academie residency opens in March 2025.
The Academy of Fine Arts and the Saastamoinen Foundation congratulate Jade Kallio on the stipend!