Eeva Anttila
- Professor, Master's Degree Programme in Dance Pedagogy, Theatre Academy
- +358405858415
Eeva Anttila works as a professor of dance pedagogy at Theatre Academy of University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland, and leads the MA program for dance pedagogy. She completed her Doctor of Arts degree in dance at the Theatre Academy, Finland in 2003. Her research interests include dialogical and critical dance pedagogy, embodied learning, embodied knowledge and practice-based/artistic research methods. During 2009-13 she lead a development and research project in collaboration titled “The entire school dances!” Anttila is actively involved in national and international dance and arts education organizations and journals. She served as the Chair of Dance and the Child International (2009–2012), and has published several articles and book chapters nationally and internationally. Anttila has served and continues to serve as member of several academic journals in her field. She has been involved in the ARTSEQUAL -research project (2015-2021) as Arts@School team leader and Visions group member (see Currently she leads the ELLA -research project, funded by KONE foundation. ELLA focuses on embodied language learning through the arts. She is a member of CERADA steering group and member of Observatory of Arts and Cultural Education, Finland. She was a member of the Board of Uniarts from 2015 until 2021.
Research and publications
A. Peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and book chapters
Korpinen, K., & Anttila, E. (2023). The potential of multiprofessional collaboration in integrating dance in early additional language education in primary school. Dance Articulated, Special Issue: Dance in Cross-Sectoral Educational Collaborations, 9(1), 50-79.
Svendler Nielsen, C., Østern, T.P., Karlsen, K.H., Anttila, E., & and Martin, R. (2023). Troubling dance education from a Nordic policy perspective: A field with an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral potential. Dance Articulated, Special Issue: Dance in Cross-Sectoral Educational Collaborations, 9 (1), 11-30. DOI: 10.5324/DA.V9I1.5069
Kraus, A.; Anttila, E.; & Norton Dias, T. (2023). Initiating Aesthetic Learning: A Study on Practicing Dance (Again). In C. P. Neder & T. Norton Dias (Eds.), Corpos que Dançam II (pp. 49-62). University of Madeira.
Anttila, E. (2023) (in print). Children’s right to dance. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Education.
Ginman, K., Anttila, E., Juntunen, M-L. & Tiippana K. (2022). Classroom-integrated movement and music interventions and children’s ability to recognize social interaction based on body motion. Educational Sciences 12(12):914.
Siljamäki, M. & Anttila, E. 2021. Developing future Physical Education teachers’ intercultural competence: The potential of intertwinement of transformative, embodied, and critical approaches. Frontiers in Sports Active Living, 3:765513. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2021.765513.
Ilmola-Sheppard, L., Rautiainen, P., Westerlund, H., Lehikoinen, K., Karttunen, S., Juntunen, M-L., Anttila, E. 2021. ArtsEqual: Tasa-arvo taiteen ja taidekasvatuksen palveluiden suuntana. Taideyliopisto.
Westerlund, H., Karttunen, S., Lehikoinen, K., Laes, T., Väkevä, L., & Anttila, E. (2021). Expanding professional responsibility in arts education: Social innovations paving the way for systems reflexivity. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 22(8).
Sutela, K., Kivijärvi, S. & Anttila, E. (2021). Moving encounters: Embodied pedagogical interaction in music and dance educators’ expanding professionalism. In H. Westerlund & H. Gaunt (Eds.), Expanding professionalism in music and higher music education – A changing game (pp. 89-101). Routledge, Sempre.
Tesar, M., Ruiz Guerrero, M., Anttila, E., Newberry, J., Hellman, A. Wall, J., Santiago-Saamong, C. R., Yu, H., Nanakida, A., Diaz-Diaz, C., Xu, Y., Trnka, S., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., Nxumalo, F., Millei, Z., Malone, K., Arndt, S. 2021. Infantographies. Educational philosophy and theory.
Suominen, A., Hiltunen, M. & Anttila, E. (2021) Arts Education Research, Projects and Pedagogy of Three University Programmes in Finland. In E. Wagner, C. Svendler Nielsen, L. Veloso, A. Suominen & N. Pachova (Eds.), Arts, Sustainability, and Education (pp. 35-56). Springer.
Siljamäki, M. & Anttila, E. (2020). Fostering intercultural competence and social justice through dance and physical education: Finnish PE student teachers’ experiences and reflections. In C. Svendler Nielsen & S. Burridge (Eds.), Dancing across borders: Perspectives on dance, young people and change (pp. 53–64). New York, NY: Routledge.
Nikkanen, H.M., Kirsi, K. & Anttila, E. (2020). Artistic process as a frame for collaborative, embodied pedagogies: Combining dance with language learning. In C. Svendler Nielsen & S. Burridge (Eds.), Dancing across borders: Perspectives on dance, young people and change (pp. 134–144). New York, NY: Routledge.
Anttila, E. & Svendler Nielsen, C. (2019). Dance and the quality of life at schools: A Nordic affiliation. In K. Bond and S. Gardner. Dance and the quality of life (pp. 327–345). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Anttila, E., Martin, R. & Svendler Nielsen, C. (2019). Performing difference in/through dance: The significance of dialogical, or third spaces in creating conditions for learning and living together. Thinking Skills and Creativity. E. Vass (Ed.), Vol 31, 209–216.
Anttila, E. (2019). Migrating pedagogies: Encountering immigrant pupils through movement and dance. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 10 (1), 75–96.
Kallio-Tavin, M., Anttila, E., Jokela, T., Hiltunen, M., Lehikoinen, K. & Pusa, T. (2019). Cultural diversity in Finnish arts education research. In L. Ferro, E. Wagner, L. Veloso, T. IJdens & J.T. Lopes (Eds.), Arts and cultural education in a world of diversity (pp. 71–89). ENO Yearbook 1. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Anttila, E. (2019/2013). Kroppslig læring og dans: En teoretisk-filosofisk bakgrunn (Oversatt av T.P. Østern). På Spissen forskning/Dance Articulated, Special Issue Bodily Learning, (3), 47–72. DOI:
Anttila, E. (2018). The embodiment of hope: A dialogue on dance and displaced children. In E. Anttila & A. Suominen (Eds.) Critical articulations of hope from the margins of arts education: International perspectives and practices (pp. 60–72). New York, NY, Routledge.
Anttila, E. (2018). Art education promotes the development of the child and society. In M. Matthes et al. (Eds.), Improving the quality of childhood in Europe (Volume 7), 61–72. Alliance for Childhood European Network Group (link)
Anttila, E. & Rowe, N. & Siljamäki M. (2018). Teachers as frontline agents of integration: Finnish physical education students’ reflections on intercultural encounters. Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy 23 (6), 609–622.
Anttila, E. (2018). The potential of dance as embodied learning. Proceedings of international conference: Body of Knowledge: Embodied Cognition and the Arts. University of California, Irvine, December 8-10, 2016.
Rowe, Nicholas & Martin, Rose & Buck, Ralph & Anttila, Eeva. (2018). Researching dance education post-2016: The global implications of Brexit and Trump on dance education. Research in Dance Education (9) 1, 91–109.
Siljamäki, M., Anttila, E. & Ponkilainen, M. (2017.) Kulttuurienvälinen osaaminen liikuntakasvatuksessa: opiskelijoiden kokemuksia turvapaikanhakijoille pidetyistä liikunnallisista kielityöpajoista. [Intercultural competence in physical education: Experiences of physical education trainee students in kinesthetic language-learning workshops for asylum seekers]. Liikunta & Tiede [Sport Science], 54 (6), 88–94.
Guttorm, H., Löytönen, T., Anttila, E. & Valkeemäki, A. (2016). Mo(ve)ments, encounters, repetitions: Writing with (embodied and textual) encounters. Qualitative Inquiry 22 (5), 417–427.
Anttila, E. (2016). When dialogue fails: An art educators autoethnographical journey towards intercultural awareness. In P. Burnard, K. Powell & E. MacKinlay (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research (pp. 296–307). New York, NY: Routledge.
Anttila, E. (2015). Dance as embodied dialogue: Insights from a school project in Finland. In C. Svendler Nielsen and S. Burridge (Eds.), Dance Education around the world: Perspectives on dance, young people and change (pp. 79–86). New York, NY: Routledge.
Anttila, E. (2015). Embodied learning in the arts. In S. Schonmann (Ed.). Wisdom of the many: Key issues in arts Education. International yearbook for research in arts education (pp. 372-377). New York, NY: Waxman.
Löytönen, T., Anttila, E., Guttorm, H., and Valkeemäki, A. (2014). Playing with patterns: Fumbling towards collaborative and embodied writing. International Review of Qualitative Research, 7 (2), 236–257.
Anttila, E. (2013). Choreographed childhoods: Patterns of embodiment in the lives of contemporary children. In F. McArdle and G. Boldt (Eds.). Young children, pedagogy and the arts: Ways of seeing (pp. 106–125). New York, NY: Routledge.
Anttila, E., Svendler Nielsen C., Rowe N. & Östern, T. (2013). Young people’s embodied voices: Experiences and learning in dance education practices across the world. Proceedings of the daCi/WDA Global Summit. Taipei, Taiwan, July 2012.
Anttila, E. (2013). Choreographed childhoods: Patterns of embodiment in the lives of contemporary children. Proceedings of the daCi/WDA Global Summit. Taipei, Taiwan, July 2012.
Anttila, E. & Sansom, A. (2012). Movement, embodiment and creativity. In O. Saracho (Ed.). ContemporarypPerspectives in early childhood education (pp. 179–204). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.
Siljamäki, M., Anttila, E. & Sääkslahti, A. (2012). Cultures in dialogue: Perceptions and experiences of Finnish teachers of transnational dances. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 56 (4), 1–18.
Siljamäki, M., Perttula, J., Sääkslahti, A. & Anttila, E. (2012). Tanssikulttuurisia kohtaamisia. Länsiafrikkalaisten tanssien, itämaisen tanssin ja flamencon kulttuuritaustan merkitys suomalaisten harrastajien kokemana. [Encounters through dance cultures: The meaning of cultural background of West African dances, Oriental dance and flamenco from the viewpoint of experiences of recreational dancers]. Kulttuurintutkimuslehti, 29 (3), 15−27.
Anttila, E. & Löytönen, T. (2010). Sensuous understanding: Embodied mode of reflection in enhancing wellbeing at work. LLine – Lifelong learning in Europe. XV (2), 85–93.
Siljamäki, M., Anttila, E. & Sääkslahti, A. (2010): Pedagogical conceptions of Finnish teachers of transnational dances. Cases: African Dance, Oriental dance and flamenco. Nordic Journal of Dance 2, 39–55.
Anttila, E. (2009). Mitä tanssija tietää? Kehollinen tieto ajattelun ja oppimisen perustana. [What does a dancer know? Embodied knowledge as foundation for thinking and learning]. Aikuiskasvatus 29 (2), 84-92.[1]
Anttila, E. (2007). Searching for dialogue in dance education: A teacher’s story. Dance Research Journal 39 (2), 43-57.
Anttila, E. (2007). Dance as a Dialogical praxis: Challenging Individualism in Art and Education. In S. Ravn & C. Svendler Nielsen (Eds.), Tidsskrift for Dans i Uddannelse 1, 57-74.
Anttila, E. (2006). Children as agents in dance: Implications of the notion of child culture for research and practice in dance education. In Bresler, L. & Thompson, C. (Eds.). International Handbook for Research in Art Education (pp. 856-879). Dodrecht: Springer.
Anttila, E. (2006). Taiteen voimalla: Taidekasvatuksen mahdollisuudet suomalaisessa peruskoulussa. [With the power of art: The possibilities of dance education in Finnish schools]. Kasvatus 37 (1), 44-52.
B. Non-refereed scientific articles
Anttila, E. (2021). Tasa-arvo peruskoulun taidekasvatuksessa: Avaimia kestäviin ratkaisuihin. Finnish Journal of Music Education. 24(2), 104-126.
Juntunen, M-L, Anttila, E., Jaresand, S., Henriksson, M. & Söderblom, E. Embodied listening and expression. Finnish Journal of Music Education. 24(2), 162-174.
Juntunen, M-L & Anttila, E. (2019). Taidekasvatus: peruskoulun sokea piste. [Arts education: The blind spot of comprehensive school]. Kasvatus 50 (4), 356–363.
Anttila, E. (2017/2003). Lectio Praecursoria. Uniarts Helsinki, Theatre Academy: Acta Scenica.
Anttila, E. (2017). Dance as embodied learning. Finnish Journal for Music Education, 20 (1), 127-130.
Anttila, E. (2016). Tasapainoilua tanssipedagogiikan laveilla kentillä ja kapenevilla kinttupoluilla. [Balancing on the wide fields and narrowing paths of dance pedagogy]. In S. Hämäläinen (toim.). Tanssi yliopistossa: Kirjoituksia uuden koulutus- ja tutkimusalan muotoutumisesta. [Dance in the university: Writings on new field of higher education and research] (pp. 266-277). Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, Helsinki: Nivel 07.
Anttila, E. (2016). On be(com)ing and connecting: Participatory approaches to dance research and pedagogy. Proceedings of Expanding Notions – Conference of Nordic Forum for Dance Research, Reykjavik, May 2015.
Rouhiainen, L., Anttila, E. & Järvinen, H. (2016). Artistic research in dance from a Finnish perspective. Proceedings of Expanding Notions – Conference of Nordic Forum for Dance Research, Reykjavik, May 2015.
Anttila, E. (2014). Tutkija liikkeessä: Kehollisuus ja toiminta tutkimustyön ytimessä. [The researcher on the move: Embodiment and action at the core of research practice]. In H. Järvinen ja L. Rouhiainen (Ed.). Tanssiva tutkimus: Tanssintutkimuksen menetelmiä ja lähestymistapoja. [Dancing research: Methods and approaches to dance research] (pp. 127-140). Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu: Nivel 03.
Rouhiainen, L., Anttila, E. & Järvinen, H. (2014). Taiteellinen tutkimus yhtenä tanssintutkimuksen juonteena. [Artistic research as one thread in dance research]. In H. Järvinen & L. Rouhiainen (Ed.). Tanssiva tutkimus: Tanssintutkimuksen menetelmiä ja lähestymistapoja. [Dancing research: Methods and approaches to dance research] (pp. 175-186). Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu: Nivel 3.
Anttila, E., Guttorm, H., Löytönen, T. and Valkeemäki, A. (2014). Happy incidents and unexpected encounters in the academia, or be(coming) (a) present(ation). In A. Arlander (Ed.) The Impact of performance as research. Proceedings of CARPA 3 – Colloquim on Artistic Research in the Performing Arts. Theatre Academy Helsinki: Nivel 2.
Anttila, E. (2013). Dance pedagogy in the contemporary world. Keynote address. Prcoceedings of Close Encounters Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2012.
Anttila, E. (2010) Children’s right to dance. In H. Ruismäki & I. Ruokonen (Eds.). Rights of the children to the arts, culture and creativity. 2nd International Journal of Intercultural Arts Education Conference. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 61-70.
Anttila, E. (2011). Taiteen tieto ja kohtaamisen pedagogiikka. [Art as knowledge and the pedagogy of encounter]. In E. Anttila (Ed.). Taiteen jälki: Taidepedagogiikan polkuja ja risteyksiä. [The trace of art: Paths and crossings in art pedagogy]. Teatterikorkeakoulu: Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja 40.
Anttila, E. (2010). Art, aesthetic qualities, and understanding the human condition. Proceedings of CARPA 1; Theatre Academy Helsinki, 86-93.
Anttila, E. (2010). Koko koulu tanssii! Kehollisuuden haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia kouluyhteisössä. [The entire school dances! The possibilities of embodied learning in a school community]. Nuorisotutkimuslehti 28 (4), 38-45.
Anttila, E., Risner, D. Stinson, S. (2009). Critical issues in dance education practice and research. Proceedings of Congress on Research in Dance conference, Leicester, UK.
Anttila, E. (2009). Moving interpretations: Touching the boundaries between the real and the fictive. In L. Rouhiainen (Ed.), Dance, movement, mobility. Proceedings of the 11th conference of Nordic Forum for Dance Research.
Anttila, E. (2008). Dialogical pedagogy, embodied knowledge, and meaningful learning. In. S. Shapiro (Ed.), Dance in a world of change: Examining globalization and cultural differences (pp. 159-179). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics,.
Anttila, E. (2008). Pintaa syvemmälle: Taide, kriittinen kasvatus ja muutoksen mahdollisuus. [Below the surface: Art, critical education and the possibility for change]. In M. Lanas, H. Niinistö & J. Suoranta (Ed.). Kriittisen pedagogiikan kysymyksiä 2. [Questions of Critical Pedagogy 2] (pp. 19-50). Tampere: Tampereen yliopiston kasvatustieteiden laitos,.
Anttila, E. (2007). Mind the body: Unearthing the affiliation between the conscious body and the reflective mind. In L. Rouhiainen, E. Anttila, K. Heimonen, S. Hämäläinen, H. Kauppila & P. Salosaari (Eds.). Ways of knowing in dance and art (pp. 79-99) Theatre Academy, Finland: Acta Scenica 19.
Anttila, E. (2007). Taide, tieto ja oppiminen. Kokonaisvaltaisen oppimiskäsityksen perusteita. [Art, knowledge, and learning: Foundations of a holistic view for learning]. The Finnish Journal of Music Education. 10 (1-2), 104-110.
Anttila, E. (2006). Dance and dialogue: Partnership and beyond. In P. Pakkanen & A. Sarje (Eds.), Finnish dance at the crossroads: Practical and theoretical challenges (pp. 27–35). Helsinki: The Arts Council of Finland.
Anttila, E. (2006). Teaching dance appreciation in Finland. In L. Bresler & C. Thompson (Eds.). International Handbook for Research in Art Education. Dodrecht: Springer, 581-582.
Anttila, E. (2006). The somatic movement gains momentum in Finland. In L. Bresler & C. Thompson (Eds.). International Handbook for Research in Art Education. Dodrecht: Springer, 1133-1135.
Anttila, E. (2006). Critical social issues in dance education research. In L. Bresler & C. Thompson (Eds.). International handbook for research in art education. Dodrecht: Springer, 983-984.
Anttila, E. (2006). Thoughtful motion: Dance as an avenue towards embodied knowledge and social consciousness. In D. Risner & J. Anderson (Eds.). Focus on Dance Education: Celebrating the Whole Person. Proceedings of the National Dance Education Organization Conference. Long Beach, CA, 3-10.
Anttila, E. (2004). Dance learning as practice of freedom. In L. Rouhiainen, E. Anttila, S. Hämäläinen and T. Löytönen (Eds.). The Same Difference? Ethical and Political Perspectives on Dance. Theatre Academy, Finland: Acta Scenica 17.
Anttila, E. (2001). Transforming Paulo Freire’s liberatory pedagogy into pedagogy for dance. In J. LaPointe-Crump (Ed.). Transmigratory Moves: Dance in Global Circulation. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference of Congress on Research in Dance. New York University, 17-25.
Anttila, E. (2000). Towards dialogue in dance education. In J. LeDrew & H. Ritenburg (Eds.), Extensions & Extremities: Points of Departure. Proceedings of the 8th Dance and the Child International Conference. University of Regina, 23-28.
Anttila, E. (1997). Seeing and ynderstanding: Can observation enrich the study of dance education? In N. Stokes (Ed.). Dance, Culture & Art-making Behavior. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of Congress on Research in Dance. Tucson: University of Arizona, 3-15.
Anttila, E. (1994). Future directions for research in dance rducation. In W. Schiller & D. Spurgeon (Eds.). Kindle the Fire. Proceedings of the 6th Triennial Dance and the Child International Conference. Sydney: Macquarie University, 1-4.
Anttila, E. (1991). Goals, contents and methods of dance rducation: Theoretical considerations and empirical observations. In S. Stinson (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of Dance and the Child International. Salt Lake City: University of Utah. 131-150.
C. Books
Anttila, E. & Suominen, A. (Eds.) (2018). Critical articulations of hope from the margins of arts education: International perspectives and practices. New York, NY: Routledge.
Martin, R. with Anttila, E. (2017). Talking Dance: contemporary histories from the Baltic Sea. London: IB Tauris.
Anttila, E. (2013). Koko koulu tanssii! Kehollisen oppimisen mahdollisuuksia kouluyhteisössä. [The entire school dances! The possibilities of embodied learning in a school community]. Theatre Academy Helsinki: Acta Scenica 37.
Anttila, E. (2011) (Ed.). Taiteen jälki: Taidepedagogiikan polkuja ja risteyksiä. [The Trace of Art: Paths and Crossings in Art Pedagogy]. Teatterikorkeakoulu, Helsinki: Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja 40.
Rouhiainen L., Anttila, E., Heimonen, K., Hämäläinen, S., Kauppila, H. & Salosaari, P. (Eds.), (2007) Ways of knowing in dance and art. Theatre Academy, Finland: Acta Scenica 19.
Anttila, E., Hämäläinen, S., Löytönen, T. & Rouhiainen, L. (2005). (Eds.), Ethics and politics embodied in dance. Conference Proceedings. Theatre Academy, Finland.
Anttila, E., Hämäläinen, S., Löytönen, T. & Rouhiainen, L. (2004). (Eds.), The same difference? Ethical and political perspectives on dance. Theatre Academy, Finland: Acta Scenica 17.
Anttila, E. (2003). A Dream Journey to the Unknown: Searching for Dialogue in Dance Education. Doctoral dissertation. Theatre Academy, Finland: Acta Scenica 14.
Anttila, E. (1997). (Ed.). The call of forests and lakes. Proceedings of the 7th dance and the Child international conference. Kuopio: dance and the Child international.
Anttila, E. (1994). Tanssin aika: opas koulujen tanssikasvatukseen. [Time for dance: A handbook for dance education at schools]. Helsinki: Suomen Liikuntatieteellinen Seura.
D. Publications intended for professional communities
Juntunen, M-L. & Anttila, E. 2021. Taidekasvatus: eväitä maailman kohtaamiseen. Teoksessa A. Kuhalampi, H. Laakso & E. Hakoköngas (toim.). Kasvun maisemia – uusia näköaloja nuorten kanssa työskentelyyn. LUT Yliopisto: LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications 118, 16-17.
Anttila, E. & Lehtonen, A. Reaching out – Highlights of fall 2021. Living art pedagogy blog.
Anttila, E. 2021. Hajatelmia lumen valosta ja taiteen voimasta. Teoksessa M. Huhmarniemi, Wallenius-Korkalo, Sandra & T. Jokela (toim). Dialogista vaikuttamista – yhteisöllistä taidekasvatusta pohjoisessa: juhlakirja Mirja Hiltuselle hänen täyttäessään 60 vuotta. Lapin yliopiston taiteiden tiedekunnan julkaisuja, C, Katsauksia ja puheenvuoroja, 204-205.
Siljamäki, M. & Anttila, E. (2020). Liikuta kehoa, taivuta kieltä ja moni kulttuuri löytyy sieltä: Liikuntakasvattajat monikulttuuristen ryhmien kielen opettajina. Liito 2/2020, 16-19.
Anttila, E. (2019). Vaeltavaa pedagogiikkaa: maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden kohtaaminen liikkeen ja tanssin kautta. Yhteisö ja taide. Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, Helsinki. Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja 71.
Anttila, E., Jaakonaho, L., Kantomaa, M., Siljamäki, M. & Turpeinen, I. (2019). Tanssi liikuttaa. ArtsEqual toimenpidesuositus. 1/2019.
Anttila, E. & Martin, R. (2019). Editorial. Art and culture in education, Special issue. Policy Futures in Education.
Anttila, E. & Martin, R. (2019). (Eds.) Art and culture in education, Special issue. Policy Futures in Education.
Anttila, E. & Juntunen, M-L. (2018). Näkökulmia kansalliseen lapsistrategiaan. ArtsEqual -raportti.
Anttila, E. (2017). Ihmis- ja oppimiskäsitykset taideopetuksessa. [Conceptions of human being and learning in arts education]. Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu: Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja 58.
Anttila, E. (2016). Lapsissa on tulevaisuus? [The future is in children?] Akatiimi, 9, 16.
Anttila, E. (2016). Kuvitellen parempi maailma [Imagine a better world]. Akatiimi, 4, 18.
Anttila, E. (2017). Dance as embodied learning. Finnish Journal of Music Education 20 (1): 127-130.
Anttila, E., Jaakonaho, L., Juntunen, M-L., Martin, M., Nikkanen, H. M., Saastamoinen, R. & Turpeinen, I. (2017). Peruskoulu: Suomen suurin kulttuurikeskus. ArtsEqual -toimenpidesuositus 2/2017.
Anttila, E. (2015). Vaiheistamisesta kehkeytymiseen/Hyvä paha prosessi. Ruukku: Taiteellisen tutkimuksen kausijulkaisu 4/2015.
Anttila, E. (2015). Arts@School. Musiikkikasvatus 18 (2): 118-119.
Anttila, E. (2014). “Meillä tanssii koko koulu, uskokaa tai älkää!” [Here the Entire School Dances,Believe or Not!]. Liikunta ja Tiede 52 (1), 20-23.
Anttila, E. (2013). Towards holistic, contemporary pedagogies: Focusing on the body and the senses. LLinE journal 4/2015.
Anttila, E. (2009). Tanssii tätien kanssa: Luova liikunta ja tanssi varhaiskasvatuksessa. [Dancing with the grown ups. Creative movement and dance in early childhood education. In A-L.Välimäki, I. Ruokonen & S. Rusanen (Eds.), Varhaiskasvatuksen suunnitelmaa täydentävä taito- ja taideaineiden erillisjulkaisu [A special publication for complementing the plan for early childhood education]. Stakes.
Anttila, E. (2007). Minäkö tutkija? Johdatus laadulliseen/postpositvistiseen tutkimukseen. [Me – A researcher? Introduction to qualitative/postpositivistic research]. Available at
Anttila, E. (2007). Tanssin pyörteissä. [In the swirls of dance]. In S. Karppinen, I. Ruokonen & K. Uusikylä (Eds.), Nuoret ja taide – ilolla ja innolla, uhmalla ja uholla. Tampere: Finnlectura.
Anttila, E. (2006). Tanssin mieli [The Mind in dance]. In R. Jakku-Sihvonen (Ed.), Taide- ja taitoaineiden opetuksen merkityksiä. (pp. 60-75). [Meanings of teaching arts and crafts). Theatre Academy Publication Series 39.
Anttila, E. (2006). Thoughtful motion: Towards embodied knowing and bodily consciousness. Drama – Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift (1)2006, 24-25.
Anttila, E. (2006). Tarvitaanko tanssissa erityistä poikapedagogiikkaa? [Is special boy pedagogy needed in dance?]. In P. Houni, J. Laakkonen, H. Reitala L. Rouhiainen (Eds.). Liikkeitä näyttämöllä. (pp. 244-247). Theatre Academy, Finland: Näyttämö & Tutkimus 2.
Anttila, E. (2005). Body memories in dance research. In I. Björnsdóttir (Ed.), Dance heritage: crossing academia and physicality. Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Forum for Dance Research conference (pp. 238-242). Reykjavik, Island.
Anttila, E. (2005). “Tanssin, siis ajattelen”: Pohdintoja tanssista, oppimisesta ja kehotietoisuudesta. [”I Dance, therefore I think”: Contemplations on Dance, Learning and Bodily Consciousness]. In Karppinen, S., Ruokonen, I. & Uusikylä, K. (Eds.), Taidon ja taiteen luova voima (pp. 71-84). Tampere: Finn Lectura.
Anttila, E. (2003). Kaikuja salista. [Echoes from the studio]. In J. Varto, M. Saarnivaara & H. Tervahattu (Eds.), Kohtaamisia taiteen ja tutkimisen maastoissa. (pp. 138-147). Artefakta 13. Hamina: Akatiimi.
Anttila, E. (2003). Kasvatus, kehitys ja oppiminen. [Education, development and learning].
Anttila, E. & Jalkanen, T. (2003). Tanssin tuntemus. [Knowing dance]. In K. Kontunen (Ed.), Tanssioppilaan kirja (pp. 115-132). Helsinki: Board of Education.
Anttila, E. (2003). Vallatonta pedagogiikkaa. [Undisciplined pedagogy]. NYTTA: Nykytyttö ja tanssi –työryhmän muistio. (pp. 3-8).
Anttila, E. (2003). Nyt tuulee Myllypurosta. [Now the wind blows from Myllypuro]. Drama – Nordisk dramapedagogisk tidsskrift (3), 34-38
Anttila, E. (2002). Tanssi: Kehon leikkiä. [Dance: Body play]. In S. Karppinen, A. Puurula A. & I. Ruokonen (Eds.), Taiteen ja leikin lumous (pp.76-87). Tampere: Finn Lectura.
Anttila, E. (2001). Matka tuntemattomaan: Kohti dialogista tanssipedagogiikkaa. [A journey to the unknown: Towards dialogical dance pedagogy]. In I. Sava (Ed.), TAIKOMO projektin päättyessä: Monikulttuurisuudesta matkalla minuuteen (pp. 35-46). Publications series of city of Helsinki, Finland: A6:2001.
Anttila, E. (1999). Tanssin kautta dialogiin: Minä ja muut muuttuvassa maailmassa. [Towards dialogue through dance: Me and others in the changing world]. In A. Puurula (Ed.), Moni- ja interkulttuurinen taidekasvatus (pp. 169-178). Studia Paedagogica 21. University of Helsinki, Finland.
Anttila, E. (1998). Tanssi ihmisen ja yhteisön integroijana. [Dance as an integrating force for persons and communities]. In A. Puurula (Ed.), Taito- ja taideaineiden integrointi: Kokemuksia, käytäntöjä, teoriaa (pp. 83-98). Studia Paedagogica 17. University of Helsinki, Finland.
Anttila, E. (1998). Kohti dialogista tanssipedagogiikkaa. [Towards dialogical dance pedagogy]. In I. Sava (Ed.), Taidekasvatus monikulttuurisessa koulussa. Ajattelua TAIKOMOn takana (pp. 123-131). Publications series of city of Helsinki, Finland A13:1998.
Anttila, E. (1997). Tanssikasvatuksen tutkimuksen uudet haasteet. [New challenges for the study of dance education]. In A. Sarje (Ed.), Näkökulmia tanssinopettamiseen: Suomalaisten tanssitaiteilijoiden ja tanssin tutkijoiden kirjoituksia (pp. 115-132). Helsinki, Finland.
Anttila, E. (1996). Tieteellisen ja taiteellisen luomisen yhtymäkohtia: Tanssikasvatuksen ja –tutkimuksen kohtaaminen. [Connections between scientific and artistic creation: The encounter between the study and practice of dance education]. In S. Tella (Ed.), Nautinnon lähteillä: Aineen opettaminen ja luovuus (pp. 389-395). University of Helsinki, Research Series 163.
Anttila, E. (1991). Goals, contents and methods of dance education. Proceedings of The Third Annual Dance Education Forum. University of Los Angeles, 1-10.
Anttila, E. (1990). The goals, contents and methods of dance education: Probing a conceptual framework for dance education based on the theory and method of educational dance. Rapport fra det nordiske danseforskningseminar på Kolle Kolle. Copenhagen: NOFOD, 53-69.
Anttila, E. (1997). Musiikki ja tanssi. [Music and dance]. JaSeSoi Journal, 21-22.
Anttila, E. (1996). Opetuspaketti kouluihin: Kuka opettaa tanssia uudessa opetussuunnitelmassa. [An educational package for schools: Who teaches dance in the new curriculum?]. Tanssi (1), 32.
Anttila, E. (1987). Tarvitseeko lapsi tanssia? [Do children need dance?] Lastentarha (10-11), 14-15.
E. Publications intended for the general public
Anttila, E. (2011). Kehollinen oppiminen ja tanssi koulun arjessa. [Embodied learning and dance everyday school life]. In R. Karimäki, L. Norppa & H. Nyman (Eds.) Tanssien läpi lukkarin: Tanssikasvatuksen menetelmäopas perusopetukseen. [Dancing through the school: A dance education method guidebook for basic education stages]. Vantaa: City of Vantaa and The Aladdin’s Lamp.
Anttila, E. (2010). Monien tanssien Helsinki. [Helsinki of diverse dances]. In T. Koskinen, P. Mustonen & R. Sariola (Eds.), Taidekasvatuksen Helsinki [Helsinki of Arts Eduction]. Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus, Espoo: Multiprint, 102-107.
Anttila, E. (2010). Tanssiva koulu: Mahdottoman hyvä idea [Dancing school: An unbelievably good idea]. In M. Tawast (Ed.), Tanssin paikka [The place of dance]. Dance Info Finland, Helsinki: Miktor, 8-13.
Anttila, E. (2009). Tanssin kosketus. [The touch of dance]. In A. Aro et. al. (Eds.) Taide ja Taito: Kiinni elämässä [Art and skill: Connected to life]. Educational Council of Finland, Helsinki: Edita, 83-90.
Anttila, E. (2008). Tanssi, tunne ja tietoisuus. [Dance, emotion and consciousness]. In A. Alku & H. Nyman (Eds.), Taikaloikka: Menetelmiä, kuvauksia ja kokemuksia lasten ja nuorten tanssikasvatuksesta. [Magic jump: Methods, descriptions and experiences on childen’s and yougsters’ dance education]. Vantaa: Vantaan kaupungin kulttuuripalvelut.
Anttila, E. (2006). Kasvatuksen näkymätön ulottuvuus: Suunnistammeko sokeasti kohti kahtiajakoista maailmaa? [The Invisible dimension of education: Are we heading blindly towards a dualistic world?] Futura 25 (1), 98-101
F. Public artistic and design activities (selected)
Anttila, E. & Löytönen, T. (2018). Embodied encounters as research practice. Performative presentation at 2nd European Congress for Qualitative Inquiry. Leuven, Belgium, February 8, 2018.
Anttila, E., Guttorm, H., Löytönen, T. & Valkeemäki, A. (2017). Researching in and through embodied encounters. Performative presentation at “Please Specify! Sharing Artistic Research across Disciplines.” Conference of Society of Artistic Research, April 29, 2017, University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy.
Guttorm, H., Anttila, E., Löytönen, T. & Valkeemäki, A. (2016). Researching in and through embodied encounters: Experimenting, reaching, rotating, wandering. Performative presentation at 12th International Congress for Qualitive Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. May 21, 2016.
Anttila, E., Guttorm, H., Löytönen, T. & Valkeemäki, A. (2014). Happy Incidents and Unexpected Encounters in the Academia, or Be(coming) (a) Present(ation). Performative presentation at 9th International Congress for Qualitive Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. May 24, 2014.
Anttila, E. & Group. Inversa. Artistic-pedagogical event. Theatre Academy Helsinki, 07-09.10.2013.
Anttila, E., Guttorm, H., Löytönen, T. & Valkeemäki, A. (2013). Happy Incidents and Unexpected Encounters in the Academia. Performative presentation at 3rd Colloquim for Artistic Research, University of the Arts Helsinki/Theatre Academy. February 28, 2013.
Anttila, E. & Valkeemäki A. (2012). Playing with Patterns: An Embodied Dialogue. Performative presentation at 8th International Congress for Qualitive Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. May 16, 2013.
Anttila, E. (2012). Light Falls. Director/co-choreographer. Choreography presented at Rèvisez vos Classiques Festival, Bordeaux, France, March 17, 2012.
Anttila, E. (2009). Waking Up/Herätys. Performance Lecture, Side Step Festival. Zodiak Center for New Dance, Helsinki, 6.2.2009.
Anttila, E. (2008). Valssi yhdelle, choreographer. Helsinki Dance Institute/National Ballet Competition, Kerava, Finland.
Anttila, E., Kilpi M. & Modig, K. (2007). High Articulation. Sound installation. Presented, e.g., at the Challenging the notion of knowledge conference, Theatre Academy Helsinki, 10.-11.10.2007.
Anttila, E. (2006). Salty Rain, choreographer. Kuopio Dance and Music Festival, Finland/ daCi conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
Anttila, E. & Modig, K. (2004). Dance learning as practice of freedom. Sound installation. Presented, e.g., at the Ethics and politics in dance conference, Theatre Academy Helsinki, 09.-11-12.2004.
G. Theses
Anttila, E. (1997). Dance Education in Theory and Practice. Unpublished licentiate’s thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Anttila, E. (1992). Children’s dance in Focus: Theoretical, Philosophical and Methodological Considerations in the Study of Children’s Dance. Unpublished Master’s thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.
Anttila, E. (1987). Tanssi kasvatusmenetelmänä: Labanin kasvatuksellinen tanssi ja sen mahdollisuudet tukea lapsen persoonallisuuden kehitystä. [Dance as an Educational Method: Laban’s Educational Dance and Its Possibilities in Supporting Children’s Personality Development]. MA thesis in Education, University of Helsinki.
- dance pedagogy
- arts education
- qualitative research
- critical pedagogy
- research methodology
- university pedagogy